This contest is open to all civil engineering students with novel ideas and innovative thoughts. Students can submit technical papers in any specialization of civil engineering. Each paper can have a maximum of TWO authors.
Papers should be submitted in MS word document in Times New Roman, 12pt font. Length of the paper is restricted to six A4 size papers.
Soft copies of Technical Papers should be sent to on or before 20.02.2020. Selection will be done by Technical Committee. Intimation regarding selection of papers will be sent to authors email on or before 24.02.2020.

Important : Authors Names, email IDs and mobile numbers should be printed on the front page of the papers.

Staff Coordinators:

  Sri P.V.S.Maruthi Krishna, Assoc. Professor, 9490343089,
  Dr. N.V.SAI RAM KUMAR, Asst. Professor, 9493243087.
  Sri K.Leela Krishna, Asst. Professor, 9948050933,

Student Coordinators:

  M.Badrinadh , 9100805670
  K.Yeswanth, 7013911259