Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year-wise during last five years - Branch : CA

S. NoName of the teacher Title of the book/ chapters published Title of the paperTitle of the proceedings of the conferencer Name of the conference National / International Year of publicationISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Affiliating Institute at the time of publicationName of the publisher
1Radhika Sajja, KarteekaPavan.K, Srinivasa Rao.Ch and SwapnaDhulipallaEvolutionary Optimization in Master Production Scheduling: a Case Study International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent TechniquesInternational Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent TechniquesInternational2018-19RVR & JC College of Engineering
2M.VasaviTransaction Reduction based Approach for Mining Frequent Itemsets International Conference on Recent Trends in Automation (ICRTA-18)International Conference on Recent Trends in Automation (ICRTA-18)International2018RVR & JC College of Engineering
3Dr.Ch.SuneethaNetwork Intrusion Detection Mechanisms using Outlier Detection 2nd International conference on Inventive Communication &Computational Technologies (ICICCT-2018),2nd International conference on Inventive Communication &Computational Technologies (ICICCT-2018),International2018RVR & JC College of Engineering
4Dr.M.SridharA Greedy Search Aware Fuzzy Scheduling in Cloud International Conference on Recent Advancement in Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICRCSCT-18) International Conference on Recent Advancement in Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICRCSCT-18)International2018RVR & JC College of Engineering
5V.Sujatha LakshmiA Novel Structure of the Data Objects in Data Aware Networking International Conference on Recent Advancement in Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICRCSCT-18) International Conference on Recent Advancement in Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICRCSCT-18) International2018RVR & JC College of Engineering
6Dr.K.Karteeka PavanAn Epitomized Approach to Possess Promising Predictions by using Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting in R language International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Big Data Analytics (CIBDA-2017) International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Big Data Analytics (CIBDA-2017) International2017RVR & JC College of EngineeringBioaxis DNA Research Centre Private LIMITED
7Dr.K.Karteeka PavanSoft computing and Medical BioinformaticsA Novel Evolutionary Automatic Clustering Technique by Unifying Initial Seed Selection Algorithms and K-means into Teaching Learning Based Optimization International conference on Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence (ICCSAI-2017)International conference on Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence (ICCSAI-2017)International2017RVR & JC College of EngineeringSpringer, Singapore
8Dr.Ch.SuneethaSentiment Analysis using Multiple Classifiers 1st International conference on Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication (SMART DSC-2017) 1st International conference on Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication (SMART DSC-2017)International2017RVR & JC College of Engineering
9Dr.M.SridharSentimental Analysis Inclination A Review International Conference Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication-2017 International Conference Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication-2017International2017RVR & JC College of Engineering
10Dr.K.Karteeka PavanAn Epitomized Approach to Possess Promising Predictions by using Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting in R language International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Big Data Analytics (CIBDA-2017) International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Big Data Analytics (CIBDA-2017) International2017RVR & JC College of EngineeringBIOAXIS DNA RESEARCH CENTRE PRIVATE LIMITED
11Ch.Sudha SreeAdjacent Evaluation of Completed Local Ternary Count for Texture Classification 7th IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC) 7th IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC) International2017RVR & JC College of EngineeringIEEE
12Dr.K.Karteeka PavanCognitive Science and Health BioinformaticsSentimental Analysis on Cognitive Data using R International Conference on Cognitive Science and Health BioinformaticsInternational Conference on Cognitive Science and Health BioinformaticsInternational2016RVR & JC College of EngineeringSpringer, Singapore
13Dr.K.Karteeka PavanComputational Intelligence Techniques in Health CareSequence Alignment by Advanced Differential Evolutionary Algorithm Computational Intelligence Techniques in Health CareComputational Intelligence Techniques in Health CareInternational2016RVR & JC College of EngineeringSpringer, Singapore
14Ch.Srinivasa Rao Multi-Objective Optimization of Master Production Scheduling Problems Using Jaya Algorithm 6th International and 27th All India Manufacturing Technology , Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) 6th International and 27th All India Manufacturing Technology , Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR-2016) International2016RVR & JC College of Engineering
15Dr.M.SridharScalable and Secured Data Sharing in Cloud Storage with Elgamal Based Cryptosystems Recent Trends in Information Technology 2016 Recent Trends in Information Technology 2016 National2016RVR & JC College of Engineering
16Dr.M.SridharEffective Data Exchange Mechanism for MANETS Using DIFFIE HELLMAN Key Exchange Algorithm 3rdInternational Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Management3rdInternational Conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and ManagementInternational2015RVR & JC College of Engineering
17Dr.K.Karteeka PavanA sequential k-means for mammogram segmentation International Conference on Electrical , Electronics, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICEECSME) International Conference on Electrical , Electronics, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICEECSME) International2015RVR & JC College of Engineering
18Dr.K.Karteeka PavanComputational Intelligence Techniques for Comparative GenomicsA Sparse-modeled ROI for GLAM Construction in Image Classification Problems—A Case Study of Breast Cancer Computational intelligence Techniques for Comparative Genomics SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and TechnologyComputational intelligence Techniques for Comparative Genomics SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and TechnologyInternational2015RVR & JC College of Engineering
19Dr.M.SridharHybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Scheduling for Cloud Computing IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC)IEEE International Advanced Computing Conference (IACC)International2015RVR & JC College of Engineering
20Ch.Srinivasa RaoA Sequential k-means for Mammogram Segmentation International Conference on Electrical , Electronics, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICEECSME) International Conference on Electrical , Electronics, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICEECSME) International2015RVR & JC College of Engineering
21Dr.K.Karteeka PavanComputational Intelligence Techniques for Comparative GenomicsAutomatic Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization: A Novel Clustering Method for Gene Functional Enrichments Computational Intelligence Techniques for Comparative GenomicsSpringer Briefs in Applied Sciences and TechnologyComputational Intelligence Techniques for Comparative GenomicsSpringer Briefs in Applied Sciences and TechnologyInternational2014RVR & JC College of EngineeringSpringer, Singapore
22Dr.K.Karteeka PavanEffect of Carburizing Flame and Oxidizing Flame on Surface Roughness in Turning of Al/SiC MMC and Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization of Process Parameters 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014) 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014) International2014RVR & JC College of EngineeringElsevier
23Mr. M.SridharSoft Computing Techniques for Privacy Preserving Data Mining 1st International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology 1st International Conference on Innovative Advancements in Engineering and Technology International2014RVR & JC College of Engineering