Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year-wise during last five years - Branch : CSE

S. NoName of the teacher Title of the book/ chapters published Title of the paperTitle of the proceedings of the conferencer Name of the conference National / International Year of publicationISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Affiliating Institute at the time of publicationName of the publisher
1Prof.M. SreelathaIssues in Implementing OBE in Engineering International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education-Imparting Futuristic SkillsInternational2018ISBN 978-81-322-1931-6RVR & JC College of Engineering
2Dr.Radhika Sajja, Dr.Ch.Aparna, Prof.M.Sreelatha Performance Evaluation of Jaya Optimization Technique for the Production Planning In a Dairy Industry International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques(AEOTITInternational2018ISBN 978-981-13-8196-6RVR & JC College of EngineeringSpringer
3M. M. V. M. Kumar, Dr. Ch. Aparna SEER - An Intelligent Double Tier Fuzzy Framework for the Selection of Cluster Heads Based on Spiritual Energies of Sensor Nodes International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT - 2018), International2018RVR & JC College of EngineeringSpringer
4Prof. M. Sreelatha, Smt S J R K Padminivalli V Challenges in IoT 16th International Conference on Remote Engineering Virtual InstrumentationInternational2018RVR & JC College of Engineering
5Eluri Ramesh,M.SrikanthA Data Mining Approach Using Incognito Techniques with Keyword Search on Health Based Records 3rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, 27th - 28th January 2018National 2017RVR & JC College of Engineering
6Dr. Aparna ChaparalaDynamic Energy Efficient Distance Aware Protocol for the Cluster Head Selection in the Wireless Sensor Networks” 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2017) International2017RVR & JC College of EngineeringIEEE
7Dr. Aparna ChaparalaSEER - An Intelligent Double Tier Fuzzy Framework for the Selection of Cluster Heads Based on Spiritual Energies of Sensor Nodes 2018 Springer International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT - 2018)International2017RVR & JC College of EngineeringSpringer
8Dr.M.SreelathaA Comprehensive Study on Cloud Service Brokering Architecture International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) international2017RVR & JC College of EngineeringIEEE
9Dr.M.Sreelatha'Three Tier Architecture:To Select CSP Through Cloud Service Broker in Multi Cloud Environment' International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies(ICICT 2016), sponsored by IEEEinternational2016RVR & JC College of EngineeringIEEE
10Dr. M.V.P. Chandra SekharaRaoPrivacy Preserving Association Rule Mining using Binary TLBO for DS in Retail Business Collaboration' International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA-2016) international2016RVR & JC College of EngineeringSpringer
11Mr. E.Ramesh'Recognition and a panoramic view of Raaga Emotions of Singers-Application Gaussian Mixture Model' International Conference on Recent Advances in Emerging Technologies,Basic Sciences and Business Research Methods(ICAETBSBRM-2016)international2016RVR & JC College of Engineering
12Smt. K.Venkata Raman'SHE controlled CHB 7-level Inverter with Equal &Unequal DC sources using C-Genetic Alogorithm' IEEE International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2016) international2016RVR & JC College of EngineeringIEEE
13Dr. M.V.P. Chandra SekharaRaoAdjacent Evaluation of Completed Local Ternary Count for Texture Classification IEEE 7th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC-2017) international2016RVR & JC College of EngineeringIEEE
14Mr. E. RameshSome Studies on Identification of Raaga Emotions using Gaussian Mixture Model Second National Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science and Engineering- 2017National2016RVR & JC College of Engineering
15Dr.M.Sreelatha'Task Scheduling Algorithms in Cloud: A Survey' International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM),sponsored by IEEE, international2016RVR & JC College of Engineering
16Smt. K.Venkata RamanSelective Harmonic Elimination Control of CMLI with Unequal DC Sources using NR Algorithm with Random Guess International Conference on Computational Modeling & Simulation[ICCMS-2017],international2016RVR & JC College of Engineering
17A.SriNagesh Anovel Block-Cipher Mechanism for information security in cloud system 6th IEEE international Advanced Computing Conference(IACC 2016) by IEEEinternational2015978-1-4673-8286-1/16RVR & JC College of EngineeringIEEE
18M.SreelathaAreview on the State -of-the Art privacy Searching Approaches on Encrypted cloud 6th IEEE international Advanced Computing Conference(IACC 2016) by IEEEinternational2015RVR & JC College of EngineeringIEEE
19Smt. K.Venkata RamanComparative Analysis of NR and TBLO Algorithms in Control of cascaded MLI at low Switiching Frequency international conference on Computational modeling and security international2015RVR & JC College of Engineering
20G.S.Raghavendra,P.RamaKrishnaInnovation in IT Sector and Future Advances in Cloud Computing A International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Engineering Systems international2014RVR & JC College of Engineering
21N.VenkateswararaoCombined Histogram Chain Code Feature Extraction Method to recognize Hand Written Digits with Probabilistic Neural Network International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Multimedia Signal Processing international2014ISSN 0973-4562RVR & JC College of Engineering