Department of

Research Center

Based on faculty research interests, recently the department has established a Research Centre in the areas of Nano-technology, Composite Materials & Tool Condition Monitoring.

Research Center

The following equipment available in the department will be helpful in hastening the research activities:

The department's big push into Nano-technology, Composite Materials & Tool Condition Monitoring is mainly due to the grants received from UGC & AICTE.

A project titled "Development and Characterization of High Strength Polymer Matrix Composites Reinforced with Metallic Glass Particulates" has been sanctioned under RPS of AICTE with Dr.K.Ravindra, Prof., & HOD as Principal Investigator and Dr.K.Praveen Kumar, Asst.Professor, as Co-Investigator with a grant of Rs.11,60,000/-. Industrial Ball Mill and Vickers Micro-Hardness Tester are being procured under this project.

UGC has sanctioned a project on "Tool condition Monitoring using Acoustic Emission and Vibration Signature in Hard Turning" to Dr.Kolla Srinivas, Professor as Principal Investigator and Sri Ch.Devaraj, Asst.Professor as Co-Investigator with a grant of Rs.8,07,500/-. Acoustic Emission Equipment & Tool condition monitoring equipment including Tool Makers Microscope are being purchased for this project.

Another project on "Fabrication & Characterization of Nano-Al2O3 reinforced Magnesium Metal Matrix Compound" was sanctioned by UGC to Dr.K.Ravindra, Prof., & HOD, as Principal Investigator & Sri D.Sameer Kumar and Sri C.Tara Sasanka, Asst.Professors as Co-Investigators with a grant of Rs.4,36,000/-. Wear & Friction Monitor has been purchased under this project.

The equipment in the Research Centre can also be utilized for consultation work. Around 60 Research Scholars from other institutions are attached to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering with Ph.D degree this year by ANU. These scholars can make use of the Research Centre for their Ph.D work.

A few staff members of the department are also doing research & some of them are keen to take up work in the Research Centre.