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Journal Publication Details (2014-2015) IJ:22, NJ:2
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the JournalIndexing Type Publish YearISSN No e-ISSN No
NJOptimization of Machining Parameters and Material Selection during Drilling of Alluminium alloys – Revie Reddy Sreenivasulu and Goteti Chaitanya, AKGEC International Journal of Engineering and Technology JUL 2014 0975- 9514
IJEvolutionary Optimization in MPS: A Brief Review M. Vijaya S. Radhika, Ch. Srinivasa Rao, K. Lakshmi ChaitanyaJOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT JUL 2014 2249- 4766
IJFabrication and Investigation on properties TiC Reinforced Al7075 Metal Matrix Composites V.Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.Sarcarjournal of applied Mechanics and Materials SCI / SCIEJUL 2014
IJ“Measuring cutting forces while cutting of different metals with different speeds” B.Tulasi Rama rao, Dr.K.Srinivas, Dr.P.Ram Reddy,A.Ravendra,,Dr.B.V.R.Ravi Kumarjournal of application of innovation in engineering & management (IJAIEM) SEP 2014 2319- 4847
NJrow based layout design of medium size flexible manufacturing systems C. Srinivas B. Satyanarayana, K. Ramji and Naveen RavelaReason- A Technical Journal OCT 2014 2277- 1654
IJSensitivity analysis to determine the parameters of genetic algorithm for machine layout Srinivas.C, B.ramgopal reddy, K.Ramji, R.NaveenProcedia material science OCT 2014
IJ“Finding cutting forces while turning operation on lathe machine at different depth of cut of different metals” B.Tulasi Rama rao, Dr.K.Srinivas, Dr.P.Ram Reddy,A.Ravendra,,Dr.B.V.R.Ravi KumarJournal of innovative Research in science,Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET OCT 2014 2319- 8753
IJJoining of dissimilar alloy sheets (Al 6063&AISI 304) during resistance spot welding process: a feasibility study for automotive industry Reddy SreenivasuluIndependent Journal of Management & Production DEC 2014 2236- 269X
IJOptimization of Machining Parameters and Material Selection during Drilling of Alluminium Alloys–Review Reddy Sreenivasulu, Goteti ChaitanyaAKGEC International Journal of Technology DEC 2014 0975- 9514
IJ“Optimization of Principal Dimensions of Radial Flow Gas Turbine Rotor Using Ant Colony Algorithm” N.Surekha, Ch.Deva Raj, Dr.Kolla Srinivas, P.Mastan RaoIJSER DEC 2014 2229- 5518
IJDesign optimization of Tripod Truss: SLP Approach Goteti Chaitanya and Reddy SreenivasuluIndependent Journal of Management & Production JAN 2015 2236- 269X
IJ“Tool conditioning monitoring in Hard Turning by using Acoustic Emission A Review” D. Kondala Rao, Kolla Srinivas,Ch. Deva RajInternational journal of science, engineering and technology JAN 2015
IJ“Turbine Blade Cascade Heat Transfer Analysis Using CFD –A Review” 15. Md Hasheer .Sk, Dr K.SrinivasIJSTE- International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering JAN 2015 2349- 784X
IJTool Condition Monitoring in Hard turning by using Acoustic emission-A Review Dr.Kolla Srinivas, Ch.Deva Raj, D.Kondala RaoInternational Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology FEB 2015 2348- 4098
IJFatigue Testing of Continuous GFRP Composites Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Technique a Review M.Lakshmi Aparna, Dr.G.Chaitanya, K.Srinivas, ,Jetti Appa RaoELSVIER Materials Today: Proceeding FEB 2015 2214- 7853
IJOptimization of Burr size, Surface Roughness and Circularity Deviation of Aluminium Alloy during Drilling using Taguchi Design Method, ANOVA and ANN Reddy SreenivasuluIndependent Journal of Management & Production WoSMAR 2015 2236- 269X
IJAssessment and Comparison of Fatigue Life for Heavy Truck Wheel Rim Under Fully Reverse Loading for Aluminium Alloys J. P. Karthika, D. Manoj Kumar, and J. Ranga Raya ChowdaryInternational Journal of Applied Science and Engineering MAR 2015 1727- 23941727- 7841
IJDesign optimization of tripod truss: SLP approach Chaitanya Goteti, Reddy SreenivasuluIndependent Journal of Management & Production WoSMAR 2015 2236- 269X
IJMADM Technique Integrated with Grey- based Taguchi method for Selection of Alluminium alloys to minimize deburring cost during Drilling Reddy Sreenivasulu and Goteti ChaitanyaIndependent Journal of Management & Production APR 2015 2236- 269X
IJEffect of Tool Geometry and Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties and Micro Structure of Various dissimilar Aluminium Alloys Welded by Friction Stir Welding – A Review B. Supraja and B. Ramgopal ReddyInternational Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences APR 2015
IJTensile & Fracture Behavior of Al-Si Cp Metal Matrix Composites”, . Jushkumar Siddani, Dr. C.Srinvasinternational journal of innovation In engineering and technology(IJIET) MAY 2015 2319- 1058
IJApplication of Taguchi Method to Study the Influence of Cutting Parameters on the Surface Hardness in Turning Inconel 718 Dr.C.Srinivas, Ch. Deva Raj, V.Rahul Jetson, Sk.Basheer ahmed, P.Mastan RaoInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), MAY 2015 2229- 5518
IJMADM Technique Integrated with Grey-based Taguchi method for Selection of Alluminium alloys to minimize deburring cost during Drilling Reddy Sreenivasulu, Goteti ChaitanyaIndependent Journal of Management & Production WoSJUN 2015 2236- 269X
IJMagnesium and Its Alloys in Automotive Applications – A Review D.Sameer Kumar, C. Tara Sasanka, K. Ravindra, KNS SumanAmerican Journal of Materials Science and Technology JUN 2015
Conference Publication Details (2014-2015) IC:7, NC:1
TypeTitle of Paper Name of the author/sName of the Conference Publish Yeare-ISBN No
ICDeformation and Simulation Studies of Metal-Metal Composites M G Krishna, K Praveen Kumar, J Babu Rao, NRMR Bhargave, K Vijaya Kumar International Conference on “Trends in Products Life Cycle, Modeling, Simulation and Synthesis (PLMSS-2014) AUG 2014
ICOptimization of Machining Parameters during End Milling of GFRP Composites by Desirability Function Analysis using Taguchi Technique Reddy Sreenivasulu AIMTDR-2014 organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati DEC 2014
ICDesign and Fabrication of Solar Human Hybrid Quadricycle – An Eco-friendly Vehicle ReddySreenivasulu, G.SuryaTeja, A. Ajith Kumar, A. Venkata Rama Krishna, G. Vaishnavi, E.Dinesh Kumar International Conference on Environment and Energy-2014, JNTU Hyderabad DEC 2014
ICEffect of Chemical Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Kenaf Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composites B.Ramgopal Reddy and D. Subramanya Atchyuth International Conference on Polymer Composites (ICPC 2014), NITK, Surathkal, Mangalore, India. DEC 2014
ICFatigue testing of continuous GFRP composites using digital image correlation (DIC) technique a review M Lakshmi Aparna, G Chaitanya, Kolla Srinivas, Jetti Appa Rao Materials Today: Proceedings, ELSEVIER JAN 2015
NCOptimum Design of Axial Flow Gas Turbine Stage using Genetic Algorithms Dr.J.Srinivas, Dr.K.Srinivas, Prof.M.Ananda Rao and Dr.K.V.J.Rao Optimum Design of Axial Flow Gas Turbine Stage using Genetic Algorithms” Mechanical division, vol.85, PP179 – 187 JAN 2015
ICOptimizing Drilling parameters to minimize Delamination in Drilling of CFRP Composites using Resonce surface methodology B. Ravi Sankar, P. Uma Maheswara Rao, G .K. Chowdari and M. Venkateswara Rao International Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing-ICAMMM 2015 MAR 2015
ICDry Sliding Wear Behavior of Al7075 Reinforced with Titanium Carbide (TiC) Particulate Composites V.Ramakoteswara Rao, N.Ramanaiah and M.M.M.Sarcar International conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Applications (AMMA-2015) APR 2015