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Central Library

About Library

The Central Library plays an Important role in the college, it is situated to the north side of the main building. It is a separate building consisting of 5 floors.

Ground Floor

It consists of OPAC Services (Online Public Access Catalogue) circulation, Technical, Acquisition, Digital Library, Property Counter and Xerox Section.

First Floor

It consists of issue books.

Second Floor

It consists of Reference Section.

Fourth Floor

It Consists of Digital Library, Back Volumes, Project Reports, Periodical Section and News Papers.

Library Automation

The college library is fully automated with Environ Software with Barcode System. The library is using Environ Software, Banglore for the automation of library operations like circulation, opac.

Internet and Intranet facility

Staff and students are permitted to use the internet fcility for the purpose of research, paper publication and other information etc.

Digital Library

The digital library is providing internet facility to all the students and staff with 80 systems.

The digital library has the following online connectivity to e-Journals

  1. IEEE
  2. ASME
  3. ASCE
  4. Springer
  5. MGH
  6. JGate
  7. Elsevier
  8. National Digital Library of India
  9. DelNet, New Delhi for books.
  10. NPTEL for Video Lectures and Conferences.
  11. N List

Book Bank

Book Bank section is maintained in the library for the benefit of SC & ST category students. All the SC & ST category studnets are allowed to borrow 5 books per head from the Book Bank section in addition to the main library borrowed by them.

Other Information

Total Library Plinth Area 1,600 Sq. M
Total Reading Space 735 Sq. M
Seating Capacity 200 Seats
Library Working Hours 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Reference (Working Hours) 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Circulation Section (Working Hours) 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
City Center 4:30 am to 9:30 pm
On sundays & public holidays 10:00 am to 4:30 pm

Total Books

No. of Titles 30,998
No. of Volumes 1,23,434
Total No. of Back Volumes 4,784
Total No. of Project Reports 3,000
Total No. C.Ds 5,240
ISI Standard Books 1,852
Hand Books 978
Data Books 795

The Number of tickets will be issued to staff and students as noted bellow

S.No. Category Books Issued Duration
1 Faculty 10 For a semester
2 Computer Programmers & Computer Operators 6 For a period of 14 days
3 Non-teaching Staff 4 For a period of 14 days
4 Students(U.G.) 3 For a period of 14 days
5 Students(P.G.) 4 For a period of 14 days

Department-wise Total No. of Books in the Library

S.No Department Titles Volumes
1 Chemical 1,493 5,926
2 Civil 3,567 13,879
3 C.S.E 5,972 19,703
4 E.C.E 2,786 13,424
5 E.E.E 1,606 10,476
6 I.T 2,883 9,133
7 Mechanical 2,929 20,573
8 Scienes & Humanities 3,520 13,980
9 M.B.A 3,488 8,425
10 M.C.A 2,754 7,915


Invested Items In
Total Investment on Books 3,19,62,680.00
Total Investment on Journals 65,45,505.00
Total Investment on e-journals 1,69,40,708.00
Total Investment on Computers 24,76,600.00
Total Investment 5,79,25,493.00