Dr. R. Srinivas
I welcome you to the website of RVR & JC College of Engineering (Autonomous), a Guntur based institution of Higher Learning, training Under-graduate and Post-graduate students in Engineering and Management for award of Degree from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.
Established in 1985, under the aegis of Nagarjuna Education Society, the RVR & JC College of Engineering has crossed many a mile in its uncompromising journey and ambitious mission to provide educational opportunities to the rural youth, who were migrating to towns, in pursuit of education in the 1980s. Realising the long cherished dream of offering value based education, today, RVR & JCCE is proud to say that it is one of the premier institutes in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Its pragmatic approach, meticulous planning, sincere efforts and steadfast commitment earned the respect and reputation it is enjoying today. To its credit, the institution has been accredited 5 times by the NBA and also received NAAC ‘A+’ Grade. Its passion for education and innovation, its past efforts on academic performances and the capability of self governance, won the autonomy status in 2011.
The successful path to this premier institute has been laid by many likeminded Management Colleagues of mine, without whose mention this message would lose its spirit. Notable among them were, Late Sri. Jagarlamudi Chandramouli garu, Late Sri G. Rama Rayudu garu, Late Dr. K. Sadasivarao garu, Late Sri G. Kanakaiah garu, Dr. K. Basavapunnaiah garu, Dr. M. Gopala Krishna garu, Sri. Rayapati Sambasiva Rao garu and those among the present executive that are with the society, since 1967.Today , it’s heartening to note that this 40 year old institute acted as a catalyst in transforming the lives of many engineering and management aspirants who have settled in very good positions in India and abroad.
As the 21st century education is about giving students the skills they need to succeed in the fast emerging dynamic world, and helping them grow the confidence to practice those skills, I am quite confident that the 13 departments of the college, with highly qualified and committed faculty members, along with good administrative support is successful in providing the best academic instruction and nurturing environment, necessary for the current smart generation. The Institute is also committed to putting in place the best of infrastructure, and attracting and retaining highly qualified faculty and staff, without any compromise, so as to provide the best student experience.
Mushrooming of Engineering colleges in the first decade of 21st century, nor landing of a couple of deemed to be universities in the AP, lately, was absolutely not a competition to the RVRJCCE, due to its adherence to core principles and non-profit motto. Through well established work culture, clear cut ideologies and principles, the institution could virtually insulate itself from the volatility of the variable cause-system due to external factors.The RVR& JC College of Engineering could retain its position of eminence among the fraternity of private engineering institutions and has a reason to take a little pride in its fruitful journey, while promising to leave no stone unturned in its future endeavours.