Computer Science & Business System

Research Guides and Scholars

Details of the Registered Guides

S No Name of the Teacher Year of Registration No of Scholars
Awarded Pursuing
1. Dr. T. Anuradha 2016 1 3

Details of Scholars Obtained Degree under Registered Guides

S No Name of the Teacher Name of the Scholar Title of the Thesis AwardedYear
1. Dr. T. Anuradha M.P.J Santhosh Kumar A Combined Christofide Proactive Routing Protocol to Defend inside Threats in Vehicular Adhoc Networks. APR 2023

Details of Scholars Working under Registered Guides

S.No. Name of the Teacher Name of the Scholar Title of the Thesis RegisteredYear
1. Dr. T. Anuradha S. Siva Rama Krishna An effective framework in data clustering with specific applications to product/service recommendations: A hybrid approach JUL 2016
2. Dr. T. Anuradha T. Usha Rani A Novel Approach to Analyse the Mishap count using Clustering and a statisticalAppraoch JUL 2016
3. Dr. T. Anuradha K.Purna Chandra Rao Customer relationship improvement in Hospitality through data mining JUL 2016